Entre os diversos projetos em andamento está o do Edifício São Vito,tr翻訳 - Entre os diversos projetos em andamento está o do Edifício São Vito,tr英語言う方法

Entre os diversos projetos em andam

Entre os diversos projetos em andamento está o do Edifício São Vito,
tratado como um projeto especial pela equipe da Sehab pela sua
complexidade. O edifício, construído em 1959, se encontrava há vários
anos em péssimas condições habitacionais. O edifício foi desapropriado
e está sendo recuperado e readequado para conter 375 uh de um e dois
dormitórios e quitinetes, além de outros equipamentos. As famílias que
não se enquadraram nos critérios de atendimento do PAR foram
incorporadas à demanda de outras modalidades do Morar no Centro.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Among the various projects in progress is the São Vito building,treated as a special project by Sehab team for itscomplexity. The building, built in 1959, was severalyears in bad housing conditions. The building was evictedand is being recovered and readequado to contain 375 uh one and twobedrooms and kitchenettes, in addition to other equipment. Families whodo not fit the criteria of the PAIR wereincorporated into the demand for other forms of Living downtown.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Among the various projects underway is the St. Vitus Building,
treated as a special project by the team Sehab for its
complexity. The building, built in 1959, was for many
years in poor housing conditions. The building was expropriated
and is being restored and reconfigured to contain 375 uh one and two
bedrooms and kitchenettes, and other equipment. Families that
did not meet the PAR of care criteria were
incorporated into the demand for other modes of Living in the center.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Among the various ongoing projects is the building are Vito.The treaty as a special project by a team from the sehabComplexity. The building, built in 1959, was there are severalYears in poor living conditions. The building was expropriatedAnd he "s being recovered and readequado to contain 375 uh one and twoThe dormitories and single room occupancy, and other equipment. The families thatI met the criteria for care of the pair wereIncorporated the demand other modalities of city living.
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