The paper describes and analyses the evolution and changes of the São Paulo squatter settlements, dwellings and population in the two last decades. It shows the great increase of the squatter population, mainly in the 70s, and outlines some hypothesis to explain this fact. It also analyses the spatial distribuition of the squatter settlements in the urban fabric. In the housing and urban services caracterization the authors use 3 historical moments (1973, 1980, 1987) to show some relevant facts: the increase of housing density, with the increase of the built surface per person, and the major presence of brick houses, with a better levei of urban services than 15 years ago. The paper studies the land market in the squatter settlements and the appropriation of the house - both its commercialization and its production conditions, with an increase degree of commodification. In the socio-economics characteristics the squatter population appears younger than the Municipality population. Besides, the ammount of squatter chiefs of family who had ever lived in São Paulo increased, re-affirming the idea that the squatter settlement is not a jumping-board for a possible integration in the urban life. The comparison between the real family income of the squatter families shows an increase of the real income between 1980 and 1987. The paper suggets that the inprovement could be due to the entrance of new population layers, who had before better access to rent houses and even houseownership. To the reiative enrichness of the squatter population corresponds the general enpoverishment.
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