As baterias duram cerca de 1 ano. No entanto, se o visor do controle remoto começar a desvanecer e a faixa de transmissão possível a diminuir dentro de um ano, substitua ambas as pilhas por pilhas novas AAA.LR03 (alcalinas).
The batteries last for about 1 year. However, if the display of the remote control starts to fade and the transmission range can decrease within a year, replace both batteries with new AAA.LR03 (alkaline).
The batteries last about 1 year. However, if the display of the remote control starts to fade and the range of possible transmission to decrease within a year, replace both batteries with new ones AAA.LR03 (alkaline).
The battery lasts for approximately 1 year. However, if the display of the remote control start to fade and the transmission can reduce within a year, replace both batteries with new batteries aaa.lr03 (alkali).